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Meet Dr. Libby Harrington

Libby Harrington grew up knowing she wanted to help people and that by doing something in the medical field she could make a difference in people’s lives. She started her journey at Montana Tech earning a BS in Biology, and then received her MS in Microbiology at Montana State University.

The Professional Side


Libby Harrington enjoyed her time living in the Seattle area while attending the University of Washington School of Dentistry. Her experience working in a physician’s office and a research lab showed her that dentistry would be a perfect fit, allowing her to combine science and artistry while working with people to improve their lives.


​​​​​​​After Libby graduated as Dr. Harrington, she and her husband, Lewis, decided to move to the Pullman/Moscow area to be closer to family so he could attend University of Idaho Law School. She has since proven to be a very skilled and important member of our growing team!

The Personal Side

Libby grew up in Montana and enjoys many outdoor activities including skiing, rafting, hiking and soccer. This love of the outdoors led her to work as a raft guide every summer. While working for the rafting company, ROW, she met her future husband Lewis. Their son, Wyatt just turned one and they are looking forward to sharing all the outdoor activities they love with him.